High School Groups Visit Request

This form is for High School Group Visits.
School / Group Information

If you can not locate your school in this search, check the box below for manual entry options

Please list all the High Schools that students participating in this campus visit attend.
Special Group Visit Information

If you plan to eat lunch on campus, select a departure time of 12:30pm or later.

Please select your best guess at this time and we will confirm within a week of your visit a more accurate number. Size options are based on our preferred tour size.

We require a minimum of one chaperone per 15 students.

Please be specific in describing the group's social identity (accommodations, first generation, ethnic background, etc.) so we can provide as relevant an experience as possible.

Most vehicles require a parking permit to park on campus, thus may necessitate getting further information from you in advance of your visit.

Please note here if you have multiple types of different vehicles.

Popular with many groups is an optional lunch at about $7.10/person in our all-you-care-to-eat buffet in Blackhawk Commons. Please choose one of the options for your whole group. Due to contracted food service policy, carry-in food (including cold lunches) is not permitted.
Contact Information for Day of Visit

Type your email again to confirm it matches the address you typed in the Email field.

Please provide the mobile phone number that can be used the day of the event.

Note: Persons with disabilities needing special assistance to attend should contact Nicole Jackson at (920) 424-3079 at least 72 hours before your visit. The University will make every effort to provide accommodations to those requesting assistance.